Here at "Knee-Deep In Bluegrass" we are very excited about our all new website that will have many new features for music fans! It is our hope that you will bookmark the page and visit often. In addition to each week's new playlist, you will have an opportunity to read about the many adventures of Terry and me on the Bluegrass trail. Lots of photos will be shared here, as well as, videos of exclusive performances for "Knee-Deep In Bluegrass" by some of your favorite artists. Take time to look around the photo gallery, videos, Bluegrass News and so much more. Visit our sponsors by clicking their buttons on the home page. If you need "Knee-Deep In Bluegrass" merchandise for the upcoming festival season, go on over to the store to order. has worked hard to design our unique website. Markus and his staff are amazing. The "Knee-Deep In Bluegrass" staff will work hard to make your visits to our site fun, educational and most importantly: entertaining. Thanks again for coming by…and, please, don't be a stranger! ~Cindy B.